Mad About Meatballs

Meatballs are versatile, delicious and they don’t have to be served with pasta. Enjoy meatballs like the Italians, and most importantly, enjoy the process of making them.

Chicken Coconut Canapés

I love the versatility of canapés and how they can be a meal within themselves. I have often served canapés for an entire sit down menu, they don’t necessarily need to be only for for a cocktail party. Food is meant to be fun, experiment, keep it simple and fresh.

Mike’s Monday Meatloaf

It’s time to bring the humble Meatloaf back, but did it really go anywhere? This Meatloaf recipe is easy to make and absolutely delicious.

Mushrooms stuffed with Chicken

A healthy eating plan doesn’t need to be restricted to boring salads and uninteresting flavours. Spice it up with my Mushrooms stuffed with Chicken recipe.

Luxe Sausage Rolls

Sausage rolls are versatile and easy to make. In this recipe, I put a little luxury back into the humble sausage roll.

Winter Classic Pumpkin Soup Recipe

Pumpkin Soup Recipe – Dear Pumpkin Soup, I’ve been making you for over 20 years and I’ve always had compliments on how great you taste. After many recipe requests I finally got out my scales and weighed you in. You’re more to me than just halloween, you’re a golden velvety creation that winter simply can’t…

Tomato Brushetta Recipe

Pronounced “brusketta”, this tasty Italian snack is like ‘summer on toast’ for me. I love finding beautiful ripe tomatoes or raiding my mum and dads tomato vines to get that extra earthy taste you often don’t find on the supermarket shelves. Alternatively visit your local organic markets and if in season you’ll smell the delicious and…

Boeuf Bourguignon Recipe (Beef Bourguignon)

If you asked me to describe Boeuf Bourguignon, I would say it is a luxurious dish. You can subtlety taste every single ingredient whist the smooth velvety sauce coats your mouth beautifully leaving you wanting more.

Curried Sausages Recipe

It is Autumn in Australia and finally in Sydney it is starting to cool down a little after a longer than expected summer. Not that I’m complaining, Summer is my absolute favourite time of the year but with the cooler months come the opportunity to create classic comfort foods just like mum used to cook. I…

Things to do in Paris

If you only have a weekend to get to know Paris, here are my top ten tips on what to do in Paris, the city of love.